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Special Conditions

With regards to installation of the equipment hired it must be understood that some of the equipment is of considerable size and weight!

Therefore there are limitations as to where we can deliver and install.

In all circumstances except for the hire of Digital Juke boxes / Karaoke units , there will be no delivery upstairs! With all upstairs deliveries of Juke Boxes / Karaoke units, there will be an additional charge that will be determined when booking.

In all circumstances with regards to any driving games, pin ball machines, soccer tables and video / arcade type equipment, all installations will be on a 'wheel in / wheel out' affair over a sealed surface either concrete, bitumen or paved with no tight access, no gravel driveways, no grassed areas, no steep driveways ( this is discussable as it can be accomplished some times depending on the inclination of the driveway!) and definitely NO STAIRS!

If you have any doubts, please discuss this when making a booking as we've encountered just about every conceivable type installation problem over the years!

The equipment shall at all times be situated in a location that offers the equipment complete protection from the elements. No direct sunlight, No exposure to rain or any moisture (swimming pools, spa's, etc.)

No tight access refers to trying to maneuver equipment down the sides of buildings that are narrow or cluttered with junk or through a house full of furniture!

It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that we have clear and easy access to the property on the agreed days of delivery and pick up!

Delivery can be arranged for either on the Friday, or the Saturday of a weekend hire and picked up on the Monday.

Saturday night pick ups can be arranged, however there is an additional charge for after hours pick ups!

Download a booking form here

Copyright © 2012 Power-Play Amusements